Thursday, August 21, 2014

The elephant in the buffet line. . .

This (see link) is SO true, and I have also never heard one homily or sermon addressing gluttony.  Indeed, in the past few years, it has increasingly bothered me to see several very well-known "megachurch" preachers who clearly do not have mastery over their appetites.  I just can't help wondering, if their relationship with food is so obviously out of control, what else may be out of whack?  Can you be in a strong enough position to be leading thousands of people spiritually, when you are regularly abusing the temple of the holy spirit? 

America's Other Favorite Sin, by Jim Schroeder

On a more compassionate note, I, too, see people every day at the Health Center whose relationship with food is literally killing them.  Some of them are struggling very hard to try to control their health issues, with little or no success, in many cases.  It is a growing conviction with me that, as long as we are approaching our "issues" as if we are nothing but bodies, or, at best, a mind living in (or somehow traveling inside, temporarily) a body, and ignore the truth of how we are actually made, and how we are made to live, we not only will be sick (physically, mentally, and spiritually), but nothing we try to do to heal will fully work. 

More to come later on the "mini trinity". . .