Monday, June 8, 2015

Papa Knows Best

The Pope recently recommended that computers be kept only in the public areas of the home:

Pope Francis Recommends Computers Out of Bedrooms
 To add my support to this, I will only add this:

it is clearly established that the presence of televisions, computers, or telephones IN A CHILD'S BEDROOM is associated with several poor outcomes, including decreased success in school, early sexual activity, and involvement with crime and drugs.  All electronic gadgetry, therefore, is best kept to the public areas of the home, to avoid the temptations associated with private interaction with the unreal world accessed thereby.

To prevent the sad state of affairs the Pope describes, where the semblance of a family meal is going on, but in fact, individuals are disengaged from the real people in their presence and pulled into the unreal (or at least, vastly less real) interactions provided by their phones/tablets/electronic-distraction-devices-of-choice, I recommend taking these time-and-attention-suckers up when people arrive home for the day, turning them OFF, and putting them somewhere out of reach until the next day so that you can TRULY interact with those most precious to you, without damaging distractions. 

If the thought of doing that makes you panic, you have just diagnosed yourself with an addiction.  Get the help you need to regain your health.  Best wishes!


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